Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Paging introduced - Popular Demand

I've introduced paging with the comments on popular demand. Some goolti companies have more than 30 comments for them. Loading all the comments at one time was becoming quite a performance hit on the servers. Also, it was not a good user experience. Hence, paging has been introduced.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The launch of http://docstock.in

Taking a cue from the success of Goolti.com I started realizing that there are many spaces where Public reviews/opinions will be very useful.

Hence, I've launched http://www.docstock.in, a review site very similar to goolti.com. Its intended at finding the right doctors/clinics/hospitals across India for satisfactory medical treatment.

Please visit the site and contribute for public good.

Harshal Vaidya

Friday, August 8, 2008


Apologies for multiple things. Writing Reviews & Search features were down for more than a week. Actually, I was too busy with work and family issues and hence couldn't get time to properly test all the features. I got a day free yesterday and fixed all the issues. Let me know how do you find the new Search by Region feature. All kinds of comments are welcome.

Monday, July 28, 2008

This months biggest spammers

As you guys already know, I get a lot and a lot of spam. These spam posts are mostly from the Goolti's who want to raise the general public opinion about their company which is in fact tarnished.

This entire month I would like to award a Goolti company which goes by the name of "APEX Technology Group", the SPAM award. Their employees have been spamming the Goolti forum with about 6 posts EVERY DAY!

They thought they could game the system, but then there are intelligent people all over the world :-)

Monday, June 9, 2008

5 Days of downtime

Goolti.com is up after about 5 days of downtime. Unfortunately the hosting providers were migrating their servers to a different platform and messed up during the migration!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Introduction of Captcha

There has been heavy spamming by automatic bots from last few weeks. I was manually rejecting around 20-30 spam posts everyday. This was becoming a huge headache.

To control this, I introduced captcha which completely avoids the autobot spam successfully. The captcha is now fully active.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Lawsuit threat from Avenir Associates

Another one, this time its Avenir Associates. Some law firm PS Legal helped them to threaten with a Cease & Desist letter. I have removed all their comments.

The entire cease & desist letter can be viewed here

Friday, March 14, 2008

Clarifying my role

I constantly keep getting emails from people requesting me to provide reviews on specific Goolties.

I would like to clarify here on my blog that I only run and manage this site. This site has been my brainchild and I take care of it. It was meant to be a forum for people to communicate their experiences.

I personally have worked only for one Goolti till now and hence cannot possibly have reviews for the multitude of companies for which I am regularly emailed.

If you want reviews on a specific company just post it out on Goolti ! :-)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

"This company sucks. Avoid them" - Such posts will not be tolerated

I get more than 20-30 posts everyday for approval. Many of them have only one liners in them.

Something like "This company sucks. Please avoid them". This kind of a post does not give anybody any idea as to what is wrong with the consulting company. There is no detail regarding why the company is bad. Since its not of much help to the readers I'm not going to allow such posts to get through approval.

If you really want to help the readers please write a post with some amount of detail as to why a company is good or bad.

Half baked posts without a tinge of detail will not be allowed.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lawsuit threat from Vision Systems

Yet another lawsuit threat, this time from Vision systems. I observed that the firm Herten, Burstein,Sheridan,Cevasco,Bottineli,Litt & Harz LLC is sending me a C&D for the third time. Last two times the notices were from some other companies. It seems that this law firm is not doing well since it has no other work than accepting clients who want to threaten people from free speech.

You can see the lawsuit copy here

Monday, January 28, 2008

Silvertide software urging me to remove comments

Somebody from Silvertide software called me yesterday asking me to remove the comments for his company. Prospective candidates are inquiring with them about the comments posted on goolti.com . Will keep you guys posted if I hear further from him.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Lawsuit threat from S Cube Soft

Another one. Lawyers from S Cube Soft have threatened of a lawsuit raising concerns over -ve comments from goolti.com users. They mentioned in their letter that users are questioning the credibility of the company after reading the posts on Goolti.

All the comments have been removed.